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1 - What is Virtual HR?

Virtual HR is a utilization of technology and software systems to provide employees with self-service options and assistance to the human resource department with automation of day-to-day tasks. A properly configured virtual design boasts beneficial advantages to employees and HR professionals alike. Primarily, it gives employees the ability to input certain information regarding their personal file. Employees can also access data related to trainings, appraisals, and performance scores. Secondarily, HR professionals can automate and delegate time-consuming tasks in regards to administrative duties, company newsletters, payroll inquiries, and general information sharing. With the use of an effective virtual HR system, the duties of human resource management become more efficient, and employees will fancy the freedom of accessing important HR information in a hassle-free and self-efficient manner.

Why would you need it?

    • Let your HR be omnipresent

    Today's businesses operate in a world where it is no longer necessary to be physically present in the location where you're doing business. The internet has made video conference calling and work-from-home solutions increasingly feasible. Other businesses operate in various locations at once; the head office may be in New Delhi, while remote offices operate in Kolkata and Bangalore. Now imagine the possibility of your HR being present everywhere at once! With a virtual HR department, physical location is no longer an issue. Your HR staff can provide their efficient services from wherever they are to wherever you need them to be.

    • Reducing the upkeeps

    Another huge benefit of a virtual human resources department is that it reduces overhead costs. While you may still have one or several office locations, you may not need to have HR personnel on-hand at each physical location. That could mean your HR staff can be leaner, with fewer individuals inflicting services from a centralized virtual office to the rest of the firm. It also means that you need less physical office space for your HR staff, and you may not need to pay travel costs for HR staff who need to make visits to remote offices since they can simply manage the office virtually.

    • Boost Efficiency

    As businesses prefer to do more with less, it can be quite of a challenge to keep up HR’s integrity of service at an eminent level. Downsizing the HR department could result in fewer people with an increased workload. That's why some businesses are using virtual HR as one of the way to combat this situation. With a virtual HR department, employees are encouraged to self-service more by intertwining directly with HR services. That often allows them to by-pass the HR middleman. It also means tasks like payroll can be automated with great ease, which can help alleviate workload pressure in the HR department. Best of all, this means your HR department can do more with less—without being overwhelmed.

    • Continuous and Comprehensive growth

    When most people think of employee performance reviews, they typically think of a once-a-year meeting where the employee is "reviewed" by HR and management to assess their work. But what if you could make employee review an ongoing process instead? Chances are your employees would feel more engaged and motivated because they’re receiving ongoing feedback about their performance, as well as where and how they can improve. It could also allow your firm to spot problems sooner and work with employees to rectify them. With virtual HR departments, the ongoing review process is a reality, not a dream—and that means you'll have more engaged and satisfied employees working for you.

    • Harmonize HR Tasks

    For many employers and employees alike, the human resources department has always been something of a "middleman". While HR's work can often seem tangential, with HR personnel called in only when there’s a conflict or staffing issue, the truth is that much of HR's work is integral to a business and how it operates. After all, if HR isn't onboarding employees properly or is taking too long to recruit, your business will face staffing and training challenges that could impact your productivity—and the business bottom line. With a virtual HR department, HR services and functions can be better integrated across the business, allowing HR to better cater to other departments—and perform their integral functions with more efficiency.

2 - HR Consulting

What can HR Consultants do for you?

Specialist advice and services provided by a third-party to help businesses maximise the efficiency of their HR operations and implement appropriate new policies and procedures in the best way possible. They are often valued by companies for their ability to bring an outsider’s objective view.

HR consultancies are often brought in to address a particular problem or deficit and are tasked with assessment, auditing, proposal and implementation of a policy designed to address the deficit and drive organisational change.

The industry is dominated by major multinational companies although there are also small and medium-sized businesses in operation.

The 4 P’s of HR Consulting

HR consulting has grown from just assistance with recruiting and staffing. Human Resources consulting often focuses on four key areas:

    • Programs – establishing an overall HR plan that your organization utilizes. This could include establishing or updating your company’s HR package. Redefining your HR program helps not only with staffing the organization, but also with retention and future recruitment. Your HR plan will consist of goals, targets and a strategic map for attaining these goals and targets.

    • Processes – creating the necessary protocol and documentation that are to be followed as part of your deploying HR programs. This could include instructions for mapping out interview process, the post interview process or

    • Policies – establishing "rules" and documentation around everything from orientation to codes of conduct, non-disclosure agreements and more.

    • Practices – this might include things like developing job descriptions and determining the best avenues for sharing job postings. This would also include creating things like an Employee Handbook or Performance Appraisal forms.

    • The goals of an HR Consultant is to assist in human resource management, and provide the necessary support by creating processes and policy designed to improve productivity, efficiency, communication and employee morale.

Why you need HR Consulting?

    • Acquiring new talent

    An effective and efficient recruiting and hiring process is a must for companies to remain competitive. Failure to attract top talent will disfigure your ability to grow as a company. Recruitment through outsourcing to an HR consultant will give you a third party perspective when hiring, helping you hire just the right people for the job without bias. HR consultants can also help reduce employee turnover issues and provide strategies to keep your top talent from leaving.

    • Bona fide performance assessment

    Often, it’s difficult to see the truth when you are too close to the situation. HR consultants are highly effective at helping companies assess performance of organizations. They can help you implement systems and offer training and coaching to your employees to help them improve in key areas. Often a quality outside perspective is key to helping companies take performance to the next level.

    • Taper off the weight on management

    Do you have too much on your plate? Looking for new ways to deal with common issues in your company? Having an outside perspective and a third party to confide in can help management make the best decisions possible. HR consultants can coach and work with management to handle a variety of HR issues and help improve overall day to day operations.

3 - Managment Consulting

Through management consulting, we help organizations to improve their performance. By serving clients at every level of their organization, in whatever capacity we can be most useful, whether as a trusted advisor to top management or as a hands-on coach for front line employees. For every engagement, we assemble a team with the most appropriate experience and expertise.

For newer firms, we also help them surmise upon what nature of payroll process they should go for. As per their needs, we would recommend if the firm needs to outsource their payroll, develop an in-house system or get a complete Human Capital Management Suite. We gather their requirements and do the collation for them to make the complete process hassle-free for our client.

Our highly specialised team of consultants match the expectation of clients by pooling their team skills, academic excellence and progressive leadership. We as a team are strategic thinkers, highly enthusiastic and passionate about change. We also have experience with risk and strategic planning as well as performance improvement and management. Our consultants have the ability to assess an organization from different business perspectives, such as a process, finance and technology. Which directly helps our consultants to apply their objective insight into solving business conflicts and conundrums.